


F-measureについて、きちんと書いた論文がないので、仕方なく参照されているのでしょう。なお、F-measureのFの意味について、最近David Lewisが良く調べるとvan Rijsbergenの博士論文にFが1-Eの形で定義されていたようです。(私自身は未確認)

http://metaoptimize.com/qa/questions/1088/f1-score-name-origin より引用)

Yes, it was a bizarre lucky break! I was on the MUC program committee, and there was pressure for a single measure of how effective a system was. I knew of the E-measure from Van Rijsbergen's textbook on Information Retrieval, so thought of that.

However, lower values of E are better, and that just wouldn't do for a government-funded evaluation. I took a quick look in the book, and mistakenly interpreted another equation as being a definition of F as 1-E. I said great, we'll call 1-E the "F-measure". Later I discovered my mistake, but it was too late. Still later, I was reading Van Rijsbergen's dissertation, and saw that he had used E and F in the same relationship, but that hadn't made it into his textbook. Whew.

It's a somewhat unfortunate name, since there's an F-test and F-distribution in statistics that has nothing to do with the F-measure. But I guess that's inevitable with only 26 letters. :-)
Devid Lewis (Oct 20 '10 at 17:51)

少し前にドイツの大学の博士課程の学生から、F-measureの式におけるprecisionとrecallのバランスについてメールで質問を受けた。van Rijsbergenの定義ではβがこのバランスを決めている。Fβ=1のときprecisionとrecallには1/2:1/2の重みを置いて、Fβ=2だとRecallに2倍の重みを置くことになる。F-measureを説明した論文にも、よくこのように書いてある。しかし、残念ながらこの定義は直感とは合致しない。加重調和平均の重みαに戻して考えるとβが√2のとき重みが1/3対2/3になり、直感的に2倍の重みを置いていることになる。